Shidaka lake・Kagurame lake・Mt Ojika・Mt Tsurumi Take a walk along the lakeside and get enchanted by mysterious legends.

Suitable for families. Admire little plants and encounter with wild animals as you walk along gentle slopes.

Legend of Lake Shidaka

Once upon a time, there was a quarrel between the spirits of Mt Yufu and Mt Sobo over the love of beautiful Mt Tsurumi. Mt Yufu, also known as Mt Fuji of Bungo won and the tears shed by broken-hearted Mt Sobo became Shidaka lake.

Origin of Lake Kagurame

During the time of Heian (794 to 1185), there was a shrine maiden who dedicated ceremonial songs and dances (Kagura) to the spirit of Mt Tsurumi. The lake was named “Kagurame” as she lived on its shores.

“Wonders of Oita: Nature and outdoor activities”

The guidebook introduces destinations where you can enjoy mountains and beautiful hiking trails with illustrations and maps.

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