Where are the recommended restaurants in Beppu City, Oita Prefecture?
Continuing from last year, here comes the second installment!
There are plenty of restaurants with delicious cuisine and charming owners.

令和4年度 伴走型小規模事業者支援推進事業 別府商工会議所 As I enter the shop, the raised tatami seats on the left and right sides of the entranc...
Take Kanmuri / Bamboo Crown

Take Kanmuri / Bamboo Crown
令和4年度 伴走型小規模事業者支援推進事業 別府商工会議所 Usually, Izakayas on the 2nd floor make us hesitate to enter since we cannot see what i...
Bungoya Shokudo

Bungoya Shokudo
令和4年度 伴走型小規模事業者支援推進事業 別府商工会議所 An energetic welcome voice echoes in the shop, but I do not see anyone inside. As I lo...
Bistro petit chou

Bistro petit chou
令和4年度 伴走型小規模事業者支援推進事業 別府商工会議所 "I would not have thought it was a French restaurant without the French flag over there...
One Coin

One Coin
令和4年度 伴走型小規模事業者支援推進事業 別府商工会議所 This confined restaurant with only counter seats is always full of regular customers. But...
Chang Noi

Chang Noi
令和4年度 伴走型小規模事業者支援推進事業 別府商工会議所 Almost everyone who visits this place would be surprised by the shiny floor. Naomi, t...